Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scattered Thoughts

This is America, where poltroons run for President, and the footpads and pickpockets work the hall of Congress like it was medieval village market; where the participants tongue-lash each other with such a feral hatred you get the idea they are not really there for the debate. A pox on both their houses.

Altruistic Me: If we humans are on this planet for a purpose, (which I don't really think we are, but go with me on this) then my purpose is to leave people in a better mood than I walked in, even if means me just walking out.

Selfish Me: Am I indulging in a subjective validation bias when I find that folks who teach logical fallacies and say brilliant, skeptical things are finally saying things about things that I have said for 40 years?

Top Three Favorite Sayings: 

O Great Entropic Universe That Just Is (OGEUTJI), save me from people who think you aren't.

OGEUTI, please save me from humorless people.

Not only is there no free lunch kids, lunch is almost over.

Play fair, but fight dirty.  Above all take no prisoners.  There's not food enough to feed them, and I don't like the way they taste.

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