Sunday, February 19, 2012

What A Mush of Contradictions We Americans Are

  • We won't show boobs on tv but will show family violence and murder.
  • We don't mind our children playing with toy gun and "killing" playmates. but get apoplectic if two playmates simulate something sexual.
  • We fight to keep guns but cry foul when government subsidies are taken away.
  • We bask ask in fake glory over victories in the War on Drugs but do nothing to stop the demand that sustains the trade. 
  • We give media time and space to the most unworthy individuals, often the lead story in newscasts but don't understand why some population segments still maintain a victim's attitude.
  • We're told media can't influence a person's actions but prove just the opposite by spending billions of dollars on advertising
  • We pander to the basest instincts and greatest fears of people and  the feign indignation when some loon sets off a bomb blast with the rage created by said ranting. 

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